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Canberra, Australia

Hotel: 5stars  •  Price: $650.00 •  Duration: 10 days •  Person: 5 people There are regular strikes, sometimes called at short notice and can cause disruption to public transport in and out of…

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Brasilia, Brazil

Hotel: 5stars  •  Price: $650.00 •  Duration: 10 days •  Person: 5 people There are regular strikes, sometimes called at short notice and can cause disruption to public transport in and out of…

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Mexico City, Mexico

Hotel: 5stars  •  Price: $650.00 •  Duration: 10 days •  Person: 5 people There are regular strikes, sometimes called at short notice and can cause disruption to public transport in and out of…

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Hotel: 5stars  •  Price: $650.00 •  Duration: 10 days •  Person: 5 people There are regular strikes, sometimes called at short notice and can cause disruption to public transport in and out of…

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Budapest, Hungary

Hotel: 5stars  •  Price: $650.00 •  Duration: 10 days •  Person: 5 people There are regular strikes, sometimes called at short notice and can cause disruption to public transport in and out of…

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Dubai, UAE

Hotel: 5stars  •  Price: $650.00 •  Duration: 10 days •  Person: 5 people There are regular strikes, sometimes called at short notice and can cause disruption to public transport in and out of…

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Amalfi coast, Italy

Hotel: 5stars  •  Price: $650.00 •  Duration: 10 days •  Person: 5 people There are regular strikes, sometimes called at short notice and can cause disruption to public transport in and out of…

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Stockholm, Sweden

Hotel: 5stars  •  Price: $650.00 •  Duration: 10 days •  Person: 5 people There are regular strikes, sometimes called at short notice and can cause disruption to public transport in and out of…

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Crete, Poland

Hotel: 5stars  •  Price: $650.00 •  Duration: 10 days •  Person: 5 people There are regular strikes, sometimes called at short notice and can cause disruption to public transport in and out of…

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Crete, Wales

Hotel: 5stars  •  Price: $650.00 •  Duration: 10 days •  Person: 5 people There are regular strikes, sometimes called at short notice and can cause disruption to public transport in and out of…

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